Episode 15: #InMyFeelings: Overcoming Rejection
/As we continue our July discussions of Minority Mental Health Month, this week we explore the most common emotional wound all of us experience and often sustain in our daily lives: rejection. Currently, the viral Drake song, #InMyFeelings explores how the question of shared affection and commitment between two people can make or break a relationship. But what if that person isn't "riding" or "down for you always?"
Rejection can occur in relationships (unrequited love), workplaces (not getting that job or promotion you applied for), entrepreneurship (difficulty raising startup capital, unresponsive buyer community), etc. Regardless of the setting, the emotion feels the same when unchecked. So take a seat on The Emerald Couch as we discuss how the common experience of rejection, when properly processed, can lead to deeper levels of determination, grit, self-confidence, and greater opportunities.